how to get a divorce in Florida

How to Get a Divorce in Florida

Divorce is one of life’s most traumatic memories. Many people believe that most of the divorce process in Florida is complicated and requires numerous requirements. In this article, we will try to explain how to get a divorce in Florida. If you’re thinking about getting a divorce, you can follow the steps. This will make your journey much easier and more pleasant. Let’s look at how long it takes to acquire a divorce in Florida.

How to Get Divorce in Florida

Prepare the divorce petition

 It is not difficult to obtain a divorce in Florida. The first step is to fill out the petition. The petitioner is the individual who files for divorce. You must file a petition at the circuit court stating that your marriage is incompatible. For the basic dissolution to occur, your wife must not be pregnant. All documents must have been signed by both you and your husband, and there is no question about property division.

Deliver Notice to the Spouse

If you’ve started the divorce procedure, you’ll need to provide your spouse with a legal notice. The notice can be sent in a variety of methods, including by the county Sheriff’s office, in person, through the mail, and so on. Your spouse must respond within 20 days of receiving the divorce notice if you want to oppose the divorce. Within 45 days of receiving the notice, financial records must be submitted. An uncontested divorce is available only if both parties agree. If your spouse fails to answer within the required deadline, you may submit a Motion for Default. In case the divorce petition is approved, the judge will agree with the original divorce petition.

Contested and uncontested divorce

Any allegation made in the dissolution petition may be challenged by your spouse. This indicates the divorce will be highly controversial. If that is the case, you’ll need to hire an attorney to help you resolve the problem. The attorney will handle everything to prove your claim. In the end, it is crucial to make a conclusion.

If your partner agrees with the key issues, you can avoid litigation. The cost of an uncontested divorce can be as little as a few hundred dollars if both parties agree. Asset division, child custody, and other issues are addressed in the contracts.

Picking the right method

Divorce can be a simple and painless process if you and your spouse can agree before filing. You can also pay third-party experts to help you with the procedure. They may be able to provide solutions or advice. If you disagree with any portion of the Agreement, you must seek a lawyer.

Proper Agreement of distribution

There are concerns about asset distribution, child custody, and so on. Florida has developed laws and regulations regarding child custody, asset division, spousal support, and other issues. Following the rules will make your divorce settlement go as smoothly as possible.

Finalizing your Divorce

You can proceed directly to the final hearing if your spouse fails to respond to the petition. When it comes to a divorce, a minimum of 60 days is required. If you are involved in a contested divorce, you must attend the trials. 


We hope that this information will be helpful if you’re attempting to figure out how to get a divorce in Florida. The divorce process makes the process go more smoothly if you and your spouse agree on the terms. However, if the couple cannot come to an agreement, the process will be drawn out and costly.